Pay per read program nowadays becoming more and more popular since 2005. Some website offer a minimum one sen per read, and even $100 US dollar per mail. A lot of research and prove show that the company that pay you more than one sen to read is a big big scam! Now let see either these company with high payment PPR is it real or just scam.
How we define the word of scam? Scam is a group of people with confidence trick or game, is an attempt to intentionally mislead a person or persons (known as the mark) usually with the goal of financial or other gain. Let me explain it to more simple, cheat a person's money and get nothing in return for that person. Now let's move on either the high payment pay per read is scam or not.
Before we get started, ask yourself a question: will a person, or a company, pay you about $100 just for reading the email he wrote for about 30 seconds? I bet won't except the guy are crazy! There got a lot of pay per read website that offer you $50, $100 or even $300 per mail read. This is ridiculous. But we can't assume that these are all scam cause we don't need to pay the joining fees, if we choose to become a free member. Massive sign-up bonus with high payment per mail read all became to factor to "force" people to join them. After joining, the members will start to receive a lot of advertising emails that needed to click to get credits. Some of the emails will ask the members to upgrade to gold member or VIP member which have more advantage than just a free member. They also will ask the members to buy visitor and traffic in case to increase the income. The upgrade fees is not cheap and after the members upgrade to gold member and reach the minimum payout, they get nothing at last.
This is how they scam you. At first ask invite everyone to join them for free, and offer a massive sign up bonus if join. They keep promoting the upgrade emails to the members and make the members to take out their wallet and upgrade or buy unreal traffic.
So don't ever joining the pay per read company if the payment per mail read is more than $10. Must beware of every single pay per read company except the only that real: paying-club. They pay out $10 per mail read, $100 sign up bonus and they really do pay to their members that reach minimum amount of payout. Maybe you will though is it another scam?? I said no cause the support ticket that sent to them have been responded by the admin of paying-club. The most importantly the members have received their payment after they reach $1000.
Believe it or not, but I will believe in this pay per read company: paying-club. They also have a certificate to prove that they are legit pay per read company. If you are tired with the other scam, you can try this now. You didn't lose a dime as long as you remain as free member.
Jumat, 25 Februari 2011
Sikap adalah pernyataan evaluatif terhadap objek, orang atauperistiwa. Hal ini mencerminkan perasaan seseorang terhadap sesuatu.
KomponenUtama Sikap
Sikap mempunyai tiga komponen utama:kesadaran, perasaan, dan perilaku.
Keyakinan bahwa "Diskriminasiitu salah" merupakan sebuah pernyataan evaluatif. Opinisemacam ini adalah komponen kognitif dari sikap yangmenentukan tingkatan untuk bagian yang lebih penting dari sebuah sikap-komponen afektifnya. Perasaan adalah segmen emosionalatau perasaandari sebuah sikap dan tercermin dalam pernyataan seperti "Saya tidakmenyukai John karena ia mendiskriminasi orang-orang minoritas." Akhirnya,perasaan bisa menimbulkan hasil akhir dari perilaku. Komponen perilaku dari sebuah sikapmerujuk pada suatu maksud untuk berperilaku dalam cara tertentu terhadapseseorang atau sesuatu..
PerilakuMengikuti Sikap
Pada akhir tahun 1960-an, hubunganyang diterima tentang sikap dan perilaku ditentang olehsebuah tinjauan dari penelitian. Berdasarkan evaluasi sejumlah penelitian yangmenyelidiki hubungan sikap-perilaku, peninjaumenyimpulkan bahwa sikap tidak berhubungan dengan perilaku atau, paling banyak,hanya berhubungan sedikit. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa sikapmemprediksi perilaku masa depan secara signifikan danmemperkuat keyakinan semula dari Festinger bahwa hubungan tersebut bisaditingkatkan dengan memperhitungkan variabel-variabel pengait.
SikapKerja Utama
Kepuasan kerja adalah perasaanpositif tentang pekerjaan seseorang yang merupakan hasil dari evaluasikarakteristik-karakteristiknya.
Keterlibatan pekerjaan adalahtingkat di mana seseorang memihak sebuah pekerjaan, berpartisipasi secara aktifdi dalamnya, dan menganggap kinerja penting sebagai bentuk penghargaandiri.
Komitmenorganisasional adalah tingkat di mana seseorang memihak sebuah organisasiserta tujuan-tujuan dan keinginannya untuk mempertahankan keanggotaan dalamorganisasi itu. Tiga dimensi terpisah komitmen organisasional adalah:
- Komitmen Afektif
- Komitemn Berkelanjutan
- Komitmen Normatif
Kata “remaja” berasal dari bahasa latin yaitu adolescere yang berarti to grow atau to grow maturity (Golinko, 1984 dalam Rice, 1990). Banyak tokoh yang memberikan definisi tentang remaja, seperti DeBrun (dalam Rice, 1990) mendefinisikan remaja sebagai periode pertumbuhan antara masa kanak-kanak dengan masa dewasa. Papalia dan Olds (2001) tidak memberikan pengertian remaja (adolescent) secara eksplisit melainkan secara implisit melalui pengertian masa remaja (adolescence). Menurut Papalia dan Olds (2001), masa remaja adalah masa transisi perkembangan antara masa kanak-kanak dan masa dewasa yang pada umumnya dimulai pada usia 12 atau 13 tahun dan berakhir pada usia akhir belasan tahun atau awal dua puluhan tahun. Menurut Adams & Gullota (dalam Aaro, 1997), masa remaja meliputi usia antara 11 hingga 20 tahun. Sedangkan Hurlock (1990) membagi masa remaja menjadi masa remaja awal (13 hingga 16 atau 17 tahun) dan masa remaja akhir (16 atau 17 tahun hingga 18 tahun). Masa remaja awal dan akhir dibedakan oleh Hurlock karena pada masa remaja akhir individu telah mencapai transisi perkembangan yang lebih mendekati masa dewasa. Papalia & Olds (2001) berpendapat bahwa masa remaja merupakan masa antara kanak-kanak dan dewasa. Sedangkan Anna Freud (dalam Hurlock, 1990) berpendapat bahwa pada masa remaja terjadi proses perkembangan meliputi perubahan-perubahan yang berhubungan dengan perkembangan psikoseksual, dan juga terjadi perubahan dalam hubungan dengan orangtua dan cita-cita mereka, dimana pembentukan cita-cita merupakan proses pembentukan orientasi masa depan. Transisi perkembangan pada masa remaja berarti sebagian perkembangan masa kanak-kanak masih dialami namun sebagian kematangan masa dewasa sudah dicapai (Hurlock, 1990). Bagian dari masa kanak-kanak itu antara lain proses pertumbuhan biologis misalnya tinggi badan masih terus bertambah. Sedangkan bagian dari masa dewasa antara lain proses kematangan semua organ tubuh termasuk fungsi reproduksi dan kematangan kognitif yang ditandai dengan mampu berpikir secara abstrak (Hurlock, 1990; Papalia & Olds, 2001). Yang dimaksud dengan perkembangan adalah perubahan yang terjadi pada rentang kehidupan (Papalia & Olds, 2001). Perubahan itu dapat terjadi secara kuantitatif, misalnya pertambahan tinggi atau berat tubuh; dan kualitatif, misalnya perubahan cara berpikir secara konkret menjadi abstrak (Papalia dan Olds, 2001). Perkembangan dalam kehidupan manusia terjadi pada aspek-aspek yang berbeda. Ada tiga aspek perkembangan yang dikemukakan Papalia dan Olds (2001), yaitu: (1) perkembangan fisik, (2) perkembangan kognitif, dan (3) perkembangan kepribadian dan sosial. Aspek-aspek perkembangan pada masa remaja Perkembangan fisik Yang dimaksud dengan perkembangan fisik adalah perubahan-perubahan pada tubuh, otak, kapasitas sensoris dan ketrampilan motorik (Papalia & Olds, 2001). Perubahan pada tubuh ditandai dengan pertambahan tinggi dan berat tubuh, pertumbuhan tulang dan otot, dan kematangan organ seksual dan fungsi reproduksi. Tubuh remaja mulai beralih dari tubuh kanak-kanak yang cirinya adalah pertumbuhan menjadi tubuh orang dewasa yang cirinya adalah kematangan. Perubahan fisik otak sehingga strukturnya semakin sempurna meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif (Piaget dalam Papalia dan Olds, 2001). Perkembangan Kognitif Menurut Piaget (dalam Santrock, 2001), seorang remaja termotivasi untuk memahami dunia karena perilaku adaptasi secara biologis mereka. Dalam pandangan Piaget, remaja secara aktif membangun dunia kognitif mereka, di mana informasi yang didapatkan tidak langsung diterima begitu saja ke dalam skema kognitif mereka. Remaja sudah mampu membedakan antara hal-hal atau ide-ide yang lebih penting dibanding ide lainnya, lalu remaja juga menghubungkan ide-ide tersebut. Seorang remaja tidak saja mengorganisasikan apa yang dialami dan diamati, tetapi remaja mampu mengolah cara berpikir mereka sehingga memunculkan suatu ide baru. Perkembangan kognitif adalah perubahan kemampuan mental seperti belajar, memori, menalar, berpikir, dan bahasa. Piaget (dalam Papalia & Olds, 2001) mengemukakan bahwa pada masa remaja terjadi kematangan kognitif, yaitu interaksi dari struktur otak yang telah sempurna dan lingkungan sosial yang semakin luas untuk eksperimentasi memungkinkan remaja untuk berpikir abstrak. Piaget menyebut tahap perkembangan kognitif ini sebagai tahap operasi formal (dalam Papalia & Olds, 2001). Tahap formal operations adalah suatu tahap dimana seseorang sudah mampu berpikir secara abstrak. Seorang remaja tidak lagi terbatas pada hal-hal yang aktual, serta pengalaman yang benar-benar terjadi. Dengan mencapai tahap operasi formal remaja dapat berpikir dengan fleksibel dan kompleks. Seorang remaja mampu menemukan alternatif jawaban atau penjelasan tentang suatu hal. Berbeda dengan seorang anak yang baru mencapai tahap operasi konkret yang hanya mampu memikirkan satu penjelasan untuk suatu hal. Hal ini memungkinkan remaja berpikir secara hipotetis. Remaja sudah mampu memikirkan suatu situasi yang masih berupa rencana atau suatu bayangan (Santrock, 2001). Remaja dapat memahami bahwa tindakan yang dilakukan pada saat ini dapat memiliki efek pada masa yang akan datang. Dengan demikian, seorang remaja mampu memperkirakan konsekuensi dari tindakannya, termasuk adanya kemungkinan yang dapat membahayakan dirinya. Pada tahap ini, remaja juga sudah mulai mampu berspekulasi tentang sesuatu, dimana mereka sudah mulai membayangkan sesuatu yang diinginkan di masa depan. Perkembangan kognitif yang terjadi pada remaja juga dapat dilihat dari kemampuan seorang remaja untuk berpikir lebih logis. Remaja sudah mulai mempunyai pola berpikir sebagai peneliti, dimana mereka mampu membuat suatu perencanaan untuk mencapai suatu tujuan di masa depan (Santrock, 2001). Salah satu bagian perkembangan kognitif masa kanak-kanak yang belum sepenuhnya ditinggalkan oleh remaja adalah kecenderungan cara berpikir egosentrisme (Piaget dalam Papalia & Olds, 2001). Yang dimaksud dengan egosentrisme di sini adalah “ketidak mampuan melihat suatu hal dari sudut pandang orang lain” (Papalia dan Olds, 2001). Elkind (dalam Beyth-Marom et al., 1993; dalam Papalia & Olds, 2001) mengungkapkan salah satu bentuk cara berpikir egosentrisme yang dikenal dengan istilah personal fabel. Personal fabel adalah "suatu cerita yang kita katakan pada diri kita sendiri mengenai diri kita sendiri, tetapi [cerita] itu tidaklah benar" . Kata fabel berarti cerita rekaan yang tidak berdasarkan fakta, biasanya dengan tokoh-tokoh hewan. Personal fabel biasanya berisi keyakinan bahwa diri seseorang adalah unik dan memiliki karakteristik khusus yang hebat, yang diyakini benar adanya tanpa menyadari sudut pandang orang lain dan fakta sebenarnya. Papalia dan Olds (2001) dengan mengutip Elkind menjelaskan “personal fable” sebagai berikut : “Personal fable adalah keyakinan remaja bahwa diri mereka unik dan tidak terpengaruh oleh hukum alam. Belief egosentrik ini mendorong perilaku merusak diri [self-destructive] oleh remaja yang berpikir bahwa diri mereka secara magis terlindung dari bahaya. Misalnya seorang remaja putri berpikir bahwa dirinya tidak mungkin hamil [karena perilaku seksual yang dilakukannya], atau seorang remaja pria berpikir bahwa ia tidak akan sampai meninggal dunia di jalan raya [saat mengendarai mobil], atau remaja yang mencoba-coba obat terlarang [drugs] berpikir bahwa ia tidak akan mengalami kecanduan. Remaja biasanya menganggap bahwa hal-hal itu hanya terjadi pada orang lain, bukan pada dirinya”.Pendapat Elkind bahwa remaja memiliki semacam perasaan invulnerability yaitu keyakinan bahwa diri mereka tidak mungkin mengalami kejadian yang membahayakan diri, merupakan kutipan yang populer dalam penjelasan berkaitan perilaku berisiko yang dilakukan remaja (Beyth-Marom, dkk., 1993). Umumnya dikemukakan bahwa remaja biasanya dipandang memiliki keyakinan yang tidak realistis yaitu bahwa mereka dapat melakukan perilaku yang dipandang berbahaya tanpa kemungkinan mengalami bahaya itu. Beyth-Marom, dkk (1993) kemudian membuktikan bahwa ternyata baik remaja maupun orang dewasa memiliki kemungkinan yang sama untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan perilaku yang berisiko merusak diri (self-destructive). Mereka juga mengemukakan adanya derajat yang sama antara remaja dan orang dewasa dalam mempersepsi self-invulnerability. Dengan demikian, kecenderungan melakukan perilaku berisiko dan kecenderungan mempersepsi diri invulnerable menurut Beyth-Marom, dkk., pada remaja dan orang dewasa adalah sama. Perkembangan kepribadian dan sosial Yang dimaksud dengan perkembangan kepribadian adalah perubahan cara individu berhubungan dengan dunia dan menyatakan emosi secara unik; sedangkan perkembangan sosial berarti perubahan dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain (Papalia & Olds, 2001). Perkembangan kepribadian yang penting pada masa remaja adalah pencarian identitas diri. Yang dimaksud dengan pencarian identitas diri adalah proses menjadi seorang yang unik dengan peran yang penting dalam hidup (Erikson dalam Papalia & Olds, 2001). Perkembangan sosial pada masa remaja lebih melibatkan kelompok teman sebaya dibanding orang tua (Conger, 1991; Papalia & Olds, 2001). Dibanding pada masa kanak-kanak, remaja lebih banyak melakukan kegiatan di luar rumah seperti kegiatan sekolah, ekstra kurikuler dan bermain dengan teman (Conger, 1991; Papalia & Olds, 2001). Dengan demikian, pada masa remaja peran kelompok teman sebaya adalah besar. Pada diri remaja, pengaruh lingkungan dalam menentukan perilaku diakui cukup kuat. Walaupun remaja telah mencapai tahap perkembangan kognitif yang memadai untuk menentukan tindakannya sendiri, namun penentuan diri remaja dalam berperilaku banyak dipengaruhi oleh tekanan dari kelompok teman sebaya (Conger, 1991). Kelompok teman sebaya diakui dapat mempengaruhi pertimbangan dan keputusan seorang remaja tentang perilakunya (Beyth-Marom, et al., 1993; Conger, 1991; Deaux, et al, 1993; Papalia & Olds, 2001). Conger (1991) dan Papalia & Olds (2001) mengemukakan bahwa kelompok teman sebaya merupakan sumber referensi utama bagi remaja dalam hal persepsi dan sikap yang berkaitan dengan gaya hidup. Bagi remaja, teman-teman menjadi sumber informasi misalnya mengenai bagaimana cara berpakaian yang menarik, musik atau film apa yang bagus, dan sebagainya (Conger, 1991). Ciri-ciri Masa Remaja Masa remaja adalah suatu masa perubahan. Pada masa remaja terjadi perubahan yang cepat baik secara fisik, maupun psikologis. Ada beberapa perubahan yang terjadi selama masa remaja.
Tugas perkembangan remaja menurut Havighurst dalam Gunarsa (1991) antara lain :
Untuk menyelesaikan krisis ini remaja harus berusaha untuk menjelaskan siapa dirinya, apa perannya dalam masyarakat, apakah nantinya ia akan berhasil atau gagal yang pada akhirnya menuntut seorang remaja untuk melakukan penyesuaian mental, dan menentukan peran, sikap, nilai, serta minat yang dimilikinya. Sumber: |
Kamis, 24 Februari 2011
Ahh, the glamorous life of AT&T: best friends with Steve Jobs, exclusive rights to the iPhone (for now) and carrier of choice on the iPad. So why, with everything going for it, did the stock miss a huge rally? In the year ending April 1, Apple soared 109% and the S&P 500 rose 41%. AT&T? Down 2%.
The problem is growth, or lack thereof: little in its saturated wireless business and a decline in landlines, which still accounts for 25% of sales. Unless its high-speed Internet business takes off or the iPad drives new wireless growth, the beatings by Wall Street will continue. --Michael Copeland
The problem is growth, or lack thereof: little in its saturated wireless business and a decline in landlines, which still accounts for 25% of sales. Unless its high-speed Internet business takes off or the iPad drives new wireless growth, the beatings by Wall Street will continue. --Michael Copeland
AT&T Inc. is the largest provider of fixed telephony in the United States, and also provides broadband and subscription television services. As of January 2011[update], AT&T is the largest provider of mobile telephony service in the United States, with over 95.5 million wireless customers, just ahead of Verizon Wireless' 93.2 million, and more than 210 million total customers.
As of 2010[update], AT&T is the 7th largest company in the United States by total revenue, as well as the 4th largest non-oil company in the US (Behind Walmart, General Electric and Bank of America). It is the 3rd largest company in Texas by total revenue (Behind ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips) and the largest non-oil company in Texas. It is also the largest company headquartered in Dallas. In 2010, Forbes listed AT&T as the 23rd largest company in the world by market value and the 18th largest non-oil company in the world by market value .
Southwestern Bell Corporation was founded in 1983 as a Regional Bell Operating Company following the break-up of the original AT&T as a result of the United States v. AT&T antitrust suit. The company changed its name in 1995 to SBC Communications Inc. and again in 2005 to AT&T Inc. after it purchased its former parent company, AT&T Corporation. The newly merged company took on the iconic AT&T logo and T stock-trading symbol (for "telephone").
The current AT&T reconstitutes much of the former Bell System and includes ten of the original 22 Bell Operating Companies along with one it partially owned (Southern New England Telephone), and the original long distance division. The company is headquartered in downtown Dallas, Texas.
1984–1994: Southwestern Bell Corp.
Southwestern Bell Corporation was officially transferred full ownership January 1,1984, They had three subsidiaries: Southwestern Bell Publications, Inc., a directory publisher; Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, Inc., in the business of mobile telephone service; and Southwestern Bell Telecommunications, Inc., focusing on marketing phone equipment to business customers. The holding companies new president was Zane Edison Barnes.
Southwestern Bell logo, 1969–1994
In 1987 SBC bought Metromedia Inc.'s cellular and paging business. This in turn boosted the company to third largest cellular-communications company in the United States; behind McCaw Cellular and Pacific Telesis. In January 1990 Edward Whitacre took over as president of Southwestern Bell. The Headquarters was moved from St. Louis to San Antonio, Texas in February of 1993. It acquired 2 cable companies in Maryland and Virginia from Hauser Communications for 650 million dollars, becoming the first regional Bell telephone company to acquire a cable company outside of its service area. In 1994 they called off a $1.6 billion acquisition attempt for 40 percent of Cox Cable due to FCC rules on cable companies. SBC would later start selling its current cable company interests.
1995–2000: Changes in The Company
In 1995 Southwestern Bell Corp. became SBC Communications. They then combined Southwestern Bell Telecom division (Which made Telephone equipment) into the company, due to new FCC rules.
In 1996 SBC announced it would acquire Pacific Telesis Group, a RBOC in California and Nevada. 1997 brought rumors of a proposed merger between AT&T (the USA's largest Long distance provider) and SBC (the USA's largest local provider). The FCC disapproved of the merger, and it came to end. Later in 1997 SBC sold its last two cable companies, exiting the cable telecom field.
January 1998, SBC announced it would take over Southern New England Telecommunications Corp. (SNET) for $4.4 billion in stock (the FCC would approve in October 1998). SBC also won a court judgment that would make it easier for RBOCs to enter the long distance phone service, but it was being challenged by AT&T and the FCC. May 1998 Ameritech and SBC announced a $62 billion dollar merger, in which SBC would take over Ameritech. After making several organizational changes (such as the sale of Ameritech Wireless to GTE) to satisfy state and federal regulators, the two merged on October 8, 1999. The FCC later fined SBC Communications $6 million for failure to comply with agreements made in order to secure approval of the merger. SBC became the largest RBOC until the Bell Atlantic and GTE merger. 1998 revenues were $46 billion, placing SBC among the top 15 companies in the Fortune 500.
January 1999 SBC announced it would purchase Comcast Cellular, for $1.7 billion, plus $1.3 billion of debt. During 1999 SBC continued to prepare to be allowed to provide long distance phone service. February SBC acquired up to ten percent of Williams Companies' telecommunications division for about $500 million, who was building a fiber optic network across the country and would carry SBC's future service. On November 1, 1999, SBC became a part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
2000–2005: End of SBC and the AT&T Corporation acquisition
In 2002, SBC ended marketing its operating companies under different names, and simply opted to give its companies different doing business as names based on the state (a practice already in use by Ameritech since 1993), and it gave the holding companies it had purchased d/b/a names based on their general region.
SBC-AT&T legacy transition logo, used 2005–2006
On January 31, 2005, SBC announced that it would purchase AT&T Corp. for more than US$16 billion. The announcement came almost eight years after SBC and AT&T (also known as American Telephone & Telegraph Corp.) called off their first merger talks and nearly a year after initial merger talks between AT&T Corp. and BellSouth fell apart. AT&T stockholders meeting in Denver, approved the merger on June 30, 2005. The U.S. Department of Justice cleared the merger on October 27, 2005, and the Federal Communications Commission approved it on October 31, 2005.
The merger was finalized on November 18, 2005. Upon the completion of the merger, SBC Communications adopted the AT&T branding, and changed its corporate name to AT&T Inc. to differentiate the company from the former AT&T Corporation. On December 1, 2005, the merged company's New York Stock Exchange ticker symbol was changed from "SBC" to the traditional "T" used by AT&T.
The new AT&T updated the former AT&T's graphic logo; however the existing AT&T sound trademark (voiced by Pat Fleet) continues to be used.
BellSouth Acquisition
On Friday December 29, 2006, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved the new AT&T's acquisition of a regional Bell Operating Company, BellSouth, valued at approximately $86 billion (or 1.325 shares of AT&T for each share of BellSouth at the close of trading December 29, 2006). The new combined company retained the name AT&T. The deal consolidated ownership of both Cingular Wireless and, once joint ventures between BellSouth and AT&T. All services, including wireless, became offered under the AT&T name.
2007–2008 Restructuring
Transition to New Media
The AT&T Switching Center in downtown Los Angeles, California.
In June 2007, AT&T's new chairman and CEO, Randall Stephenson, discussed how wireless services are the core of "The New AT&T". With declining sales of traditional home phone lines, AT&T plans to roll out various new media such as Video Share, U-verse, and to extend its reach in high speed Internet into rural areas across the country. AT&T announced on June 29, 2007, however, that it was acquiring Dobson Communications. It was then reported on October 2, 2007 that AT&T would purchase Interwise for $121 million, which it completed on November 2, 2007. On October 9, 2007, AT&T purchased 12 MHz of spectrum in the prime 700 MHz spectrum band from privately-held Aloha Partners for nearly $2.5 billion; the deal was approved by the FCC on February 4, 2008. On December 4, 2007 AT&T announced plans to acquire Edge Wireless, a regional GSM carrier in the Pacific Northwest. The Edge Wireless acquisition was completed in April 2008.
Corporate headquarters move
On June 27, 2008, AT&T announced that it would move its corporate headquarters from 175 East Houston Street in San Antonio to One AT&T Plaza in Downtown Dallas. The company said that it moved to gain better access to its customers and operations throughout the world, and to the key technology partners, suppliers, innovation and human resources needed as it continues to grow, domestically and internationally
AT&T Inc. previously relocated its corporate headquarters to San Antonio from St. Louis in 1992, when it was then named Southwestern Bell Corporation. The company's Telecom Operations group, which serves residential and regional business customers in 22 U.S. states, remains in San Antonio
Atlanta continues to be the headquarters for AT&T Mobility, with significant offices in Redmond, Washington, the former home of AT&T Wireless. Bedminster, New Jersey is the headquarters for the company's Global Business Services group and AT&T Labs. St. Louis continues as home to the company's Directory operations, AT&T Advertising Solutions.
Job Cuts
On December 4, 2008, AT&T announced they would be cutting 12,000 jobs due to "economic pressures, a changing business mix and a more streamlined organizational structure".
Post-Consolidation Wireless Acquisitions
Cellular One Acquisition
On June 29, 2007 AT&T announced that they had reached an agreement to purchase Dobson Cellular, which provided services in the US under the name Cellular One in primarily rural areas. The closing price was $2.8B USD, or $13 per share. AT&T also agreed to assume the outstanding debt of $2.3B USD. The sale completed on November 15, 2007, with market transition beginning December 9, 2007.
Centennial Acquisition
On November 11, 2008, AT&T announced a $944 million buyout of Centennial Communications Corp. The acquisition is subject to regulatory approval, the approval of Centennial’s stockholders and other customary closing conditions. Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe, Centennial’s largest stockholder, has agreed to vote in support of this transaction. In an attempt to quell regulators, on May 9, 2009 AT&T entered an agreement with Verizon Wireless to sell off certain existing Centennial service areas in the states of Louisiana and Mississippi for $240 million pending the successful merger of AT&T and Centennial.
Wayport Acquisition
On 12 December 2008, AT&T acquired Wayport, Inc., a major provider of Internet hotspots in the United States. With the acquisition, AT&T's public Wi-Fi deployment climbed to 20,000 hotspots in the United States, the most of any U.S. provider.
Qualcomm Spectrum
On December 20, 2010, AT&T and Qualcomm announced that AT&T would buy $1.93 billion worth of spectrum from Qualcomm. Formerly used for FLO TV, this spectrum will be used to expand AT&T's 4G wireless services. AT&T already had spectrum for the purpose close to what it is buying.
Bell Operating Companies
AT&T payphone signage
Of the twenty-two Bell Operating Companies which AT&T owned prior to the 1984 agreement to divest, eleven (BellSouth Telecommunications combines two former BOCs) have become a part of the new AT&T Inc. with the completion of their acquisition of BellSouth Corporation on December 29, 2006:
- BellSouth Telecommunications (formerly known as Southern Bell and South Central Bell)
- Illinois Bell
- Indiana Bell
- Michigan Bell
- Nevada Bell (formerly known as Bell Telephone Company of Nevada)
- Ohio Bell
- Pacific Bell (formerly Pacific Telephone & Telegraph)
- Southwestern Bell
- Wisconsin Bell (formerly Wisconsin Telephone)
- Southern New England Telephone — Now wholly owned; the original AT&T held 16.8% interest prior to 1984.
Former Operating Companies
The following companies have gone to defunct status under SBC/AT&T ownership:
- Southwestern Bell Texas - a separate operating company created by SBC and merged back into SWBT on December 30, 2001.
- Woodbury Telephone - merged into Southern New England Telephone on June 1, 2007.
Corporate structure
AT&T office in San Antonio, Texas with new logo and orange highlight from the former Cingular
AT&T Inc. has retained the holding companies it has acquired over the years resulting in the following corporate structure:
- AT&T Inc., publicly-traded holding company
- Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, original owner since 1984
- Pacific Telesis Group, acquired in 1997
- Pacific Bell Telephone Company
- Nevada Bell Telephone Company
- Southern New England Telecommunications Corporation, acquired in 1998
- Southern New England Telephone Company (includes former Woodbury Telephone)
- AT&T Teleholdings, Inc., formerly Ameritech, acquired in 1999
- Illinois Bell Telephone Company
- Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Inc.
- Michigan Bell Telephone Company
- The Ohio Bell Telephone Company
- Wisconsin Bell, Inc.
- AT&T Corporation, acquired 2005
- AT&T Communications, Inc.
- Alascom
- BellSouth Corporation, acquired 2006
- BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.
Additionally, AT&T continues to host customer email addresses that were originally born from these companies. AT&T uses Yahoo! Mail hosting for its customers including those with these domain names:
Corporate Governance
Stephenson at the 2008 World Economic Forum
AT&T's current board of directors:
- Randall L. Stephenson — Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
- James A. Henderson
- Gilbert F. Amelio
- William F. Aldinger III
- Brian J. Shay
- August A. Busch III
- Martin K. Eby, Jr.
- Charles F. Knight
- Jon C. Madonna
- Lynn M. Martin
- Ronald M. Crump
- John B. McCoy
- Mary S. Metz
- Toni Rembe
- S. Donley Ritchey
Criticism and Controversies
Contributions to Political Campaigns
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, AT&T is the United States' second largest donor to political campaigns, having contributed more than US$ 36 million since 1990, 56% and 44% of which went to Republican and Democratic recipients, respectively. A key political issue for AT&T is the question of which businesses win the right to profit by providing broadband internet access in the United States.
In 2005, AT&T was among 53 entities that contributed the maximum of $250,000 to the second inauguration of President George W. Bush.
Wireless Service
AT&T has received criticisms for its wireless services. In December 2010, Consumer Reports named AT&T as the worst wireless provider in the country.
Censorship Controversy
In August 2007, the band Pearl Jam performed in Chicago at Lollapalooza which was being web-broadcast by AT&T. The band, while playing the song "Daughter", started playing a version of Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall" but with altered lyrics critical of president George Bush. These lyrics included "George Bush, leave this world alone!" and, "George Bush, find yourself another home!". Listeners to AT&T's web broadcast heard only the first line because the rest was censored although, AT&T spokesman Michael Coe said that the silencing was "a mistake."
In September 2007, AT&T changed their legal policy to state that "AT&T may immediately terminate or suspend all or a portion of your Service, any Member ID, electronic mail address, IP address, Universal Resource Locator or domain name used by you, without notice for conduct that AT&T believes"..."(c) tends to damage the name or reputation of AT&T, or its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries." By October 10, 2007 AT&T had altered the terms and conditions for its Internet service to explicitly support freedom of expression by its subscribers, after an outcry claiming the company had given itself the right to censor its subscribers' transmissions.
Section 5.1 of AT&T's new terms of service now reads "AT&T respects freedom of expression and believes it is a foundation of our free society to express differing points of view. AT&T will not terminate, disconnect or suspend service because of the views you or we express on public policy matters, political issues or political campaigns."
On July 26, 2009, AT&T customers were unable to access certain sections of the image board 4chan, specifically /b/ (the "random" board) and /r9k/ (the "ROBOT 9000" board, a spin-off of the random board). However, by the morning of Monday, July 27, the block had been lifted and access to the affected boards was restored. AT&T's official reason for the block was that a distributed denial of service attack had originated from the server, and access was blocked to stop the attack. Major news outlets have reported that the issue may be related to DDoSing of 4chan and IP spoofing of 4chan and that the suspicions of 4chan users fell on Kimmo Alm, the person who owned at that time for doing this. Alm has been reported in the past to have DDoSed 4chan.
Privacy Controversy
In 2006, the Electronic Frontier Foundation lodged a class action lawsuit, Hepting v. AT&T, which alleged that AT&T had allowed agents of the National Security Agency (NSA) to monitor phone and Internet communications of AT&T customers without warrants. If true, this would violate the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 and the First and Fourth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. AT&T has yet to confirm or deny that monitoring by the NSA is occurring. In April 2006, a retired former AT&T technician, Mark Klein, lodged an affidavit supporting this allegation. The Department of Justice has stated they will intervene in this lawsuit by means of State Secrets Privilege. In July 2006, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California – in which the suit was filed – rejected a federal government motion to dismiss the case. The motion to dismiss, which invoked the State Secrets Privilege, had argued that any court review of the alleged partnership between the federal government and AT&T would harm national security.
The case was immediately appealed to the Ninth Circuit. It was dismissed on June 3, 2009, citing retroactive legislation in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. In May 2006, USA Today reported that all international and domestic calling records had been handed over to the National Security Agency by AT&T, Verizon, SBC, and BellSouth for the purpose of creating a massive calling database. The portions of the new AT&T that had been part of SBC Communications before November 18, 2005 were not mentioned.
On June 21, 2006, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that AT&T had rewritten rules on their privacy policy. The policy, which took effect June 23, 2006, says that "AT&T — not customers — owns customers' confidential info and can use it 'to protect its legitimate business interests, safeguard others, or respond to legal process.' "
On August 22, 2007, National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell confirmed that AT&T was one of the telecommunications companies that assisted with the government's warrantless wire-tapping program on calls between foreign and domestic sources.
On November 8, 2007, Mark Klein, a former AT&T technician, told Keith Olbermann of MSNBC that all Internet traffic passing over AT&T lines was copied into a locked room at the company's San Francisco office — to which only employees with National Security Agency clearance had access.
Intellectual Property Filtering
In January 2008, the company reported plans to begin filtering all Internet traffic which passes through its network for intellectual property violations. Commentators in the media have speculated that if this plan is implemented, it would lead to a mass exodus of subscribers leaving AT&T, although this is misleading as Internet traffic may go through the company's network anyway. Internet freedom proponents used these developments as justification for government-mandated network neutrality.
Discrimination Against Local Public Access Channels
AT&T is accused by community media groups of discriminating against local public-access television, also known as PEG ("public, education, government") channels, by "imposing unfair restrictions that will severely restrict the audience".
According to Barbara Popovic, Executive Director of the Chicago public-access service CAN-TV, the new AT&T U-verse system forces all public access television into a special menu system, denying normal functionality such as channel numbers, access to the standard program guide, and DVR recording. The Ratepayer Advocates division of the California Public Utilities Commission reported: "Instead of putting the stations on individual channels, AT&T has bundled community stations into a generic channel that can only be navigated through a complex and lengthy process."
Sue Buske (president of telecommunications consulting firm the Buske Group and a former head of the National Federation of Local Cable Programmers/Alliance for Community Media) argue that this is "an overall attack [...] on public access across the [United States], the place in the dial around cities and communities where people can make their own media in their own communities".
Information Security
In June 2010, a hacker group known as Goatse Security discovered a vulnerability within the AT&T that could allow anyone to uncover Email addresses belonging to customers of AT&T 3G service for the Apple iPad. These Email addresses could be accessed without a protective password. Using a script, Goatse Security collected thousands of Email addresses from AT&T. Goatse Security informed AT&T about the security flaw through a third party. Goatse Security then disclosed around 114,000 of these Emails to Gawker Media, which published an article about the security flaw and disclosure in Valleywag. Praetorian Security Group criticized the web application that Goatse Security exploited as "poorly-designed".
Naming Rights and Sponsorships
AT&T Midtown Center in Atlanta, Georgia
- AT&T 220 Building - building in Indianapolis, Indiana
- AT&T Building - building in Detroit, Michigan
- AT&T Building - building in Indianapolis, Indiana
- AT&T Building - building in Kingman, Arizona
- AT&T Building - (aka "The Batman Building") in Nashville, Tennessee
- AT&T Building - building in Omaha, Nebraska
- AT&T Building Addition - building in Detroit, Michigan
- AT&T Center - building in Los Angeles, California
- AT&T Center - building in St. Louis, Missouri
- AT&T City Center - building in Birmingham, Alabama
- AT&T Corporate Center - building in Chicago, Illinois
- AT&T Huron Road Building - building in Cleveland, Ohio
- AT&T Lenox Park Campus - AT&T Mobility Headquarters in DeKalb County just outside Atlanta, Georgia
- AT&T Midtown Center - building in Atlanta, Georgia
- AT&T Switching Center - building in Los Angeles, California
- AT&T Switching Center - building in Oakland, California
- AT&T Switching Center - building in San Francisco, California
- AT&T Building - building in San Diego, California
- Whitacre Tower (One AT&T Plaza) - Corporate Headquarters, Dallas, Texas
- Sony Tower, (formerly the AT&T Building)
- AT&T Tower - building in Jacksonville, FL
AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas
- AT&T Bricktown Ballpark — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (formerly Southwestern Bell Bricktown Ballpark, SBC Bricktown Ballpark)
- AT&T Center — San Antonio, Texas (formerly SBC Center)
- AT&T Field — Chattanooga, Tennessee (formerly BellSouth Park)
- AT&T Park — San Francisco, California (formerly Pacific Bell Park, SBC Park)
- AT&T Plaza - Chicago, Illinois (public space that hosts the Cloud Gate sculpture in Millennium Park)
- AT&T Plaza — Dallas, Texas (plaza in front of the American Airlines Center at Victory Park)
- AT&T Performing Arts Center — Dallas, Texas
- Jones AT&T Stadium — Lubbock, Texas (formerly Clifford B. and Audrey Jones Stadium, Jones SBC Stadium)
- TPC San Antonio - San Antonio, Texas (AT&T Oaks Course & AT&T Canyons Course)
AT&T sponsors the annual Red River Rivalry football game
- AT&T Champions Classic — Valencia, California
- AT&T Classic — Atlanta, Georgia (formerly BellSouth Classic)
- AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic (formerly Mobil Cotton Bowl Classic, Southwestern Bell Cotton Bowl Classic, SBC Cotton Bowl Classic) — played in Arlington, Texas, at Cowboys Stadium.
- AT&T National — Washington, D.C.
- AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am
- AT&T Red River Rivalry — Dallas, Texas (formerly Red River Shootout, SBC Red River Rivalry)
- AT&T WilliamsF1 Team — based in Grove, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
- Major League Soccer and the United States Soccer Federation, including the U.S. men's and U.S. women's national teams and the Major League Soccer All-Star Game from 2009
- United States Olympic team
- National Collegiate Athletic Association (Corporate Champion)
Global presence
AT&T offers services in many locations throughout the Asia Pacific, with regional headquarter located in Hong Kong.
Postingan (Atom)